
We try to include links for all of our papers. Some of the links open PDFs, others direct you to a journal’s site where that particular publication is available for download. If you cannot access one of our papers, let us know. The copyright notice for these papers is listed at the bottom of the page.


Semi-supervised learning with Noisy Students improves domain generalization in optic disc and cup segmentation in uncropped fundus images
Eugenia Moris, Ignacio Larrabide, José Ignacio Orlando
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. 2024 (a ser publicado)

Anomaly guided segmentation: Introducing semantic context for lesion segmentation in retinal OCT using weak context supervision from anomaly detection
Phillip Seeböck, J. I. Orlando, M. Michl, J. Mai, U. Schmidt-Erfurth, H. Bogunović, H
Medical Image Analysis. 2024 (Article).

Open Fundus Photograph Dataset with Pathologic Myopia Recognition and Anatomical Structure Annotation
Huihui Fang, Fei Li, Junde Wu, Huazhu Fu, Xu Sun, José Ignacio Orlando, Hrvoje Bogunović, Xiulan Zhang, Yanwu Xu
Scientific Data. 2024 (Article)


Gamma challenge: glaucoma grading from multi-modality images
Junde Wu, Huihui Fang, Fei Li, Huazhu Fu, Fengbin Lin, Jiongcheng Li, Yue Huang, Qinji Yu, Sifan Song, Xinxing Xu, Yanyu Xu, Wensai Wang, Lingxiao Wang, Shuai Lu, Huiqi Li, Shihua Huang, Zhichao Lu, Chubin Ou, Xifei Wei, Bingyuan Liu, Riadh Kobbi, Xiaoying Tang, Li Lin, Qiang Zhou, Qiang Hu, Hrvoje Bogunović, José Ignacio Orlando, Xiulan Zhang, Yanwu Xu
Medical Image Analysis. 2023 (Article)

Comparative Study of Automated Algorithms for Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Nidus Extent Identification Using 3DRA
C. García, A. P. Narata, J. Liu, Y. Fang, I. Larrabide
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2023 (Article)

Evaluating sleep-stage classification: how age and early-late sleep affects classification performance
Eugenia Moris, Ignacio Larrabide
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 2023 (Article)

Learning normal asymmetry representations for homologous brain structures.
Duilio Deangeli, Emmanuel Iarussi, Juan Pablo Princich, Mariana Bendersky, Ignacio Larrabide, José Ignacio Orlando.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023), 2023 (Article)

NORHA: A NORmal Hippocampal Asymmetry deviation index based on one-class novelty detection and 3D shape features.
Duilio Deangeli, Francisco Iarussi, Hernán Külsgaard, Delfina Braggio, Juan Pablo Princich, Mariana Bendersky, Emmanuel Iarussi, Ignacio Larrabide, José Ignacio Orlando.
Brain Topography. 2023 (Article)


Postoperative vault prediction for phakic implantable collamer lens surgery: the LASSO formulae.
L. Rocamora, J. I. Orlando, C. Lwowski, T. Kohnen, E. Mertens, K. van Keer.
Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. 2022 (Article)

A ResNet is All You Need? Modeling A Strong Baseline for Detecting Referable Diabetic Retinopathy in Fundus Images.
T. Castilla, M. S. Martínez, M. Leguía, I. Larrabide, J. I. Orlando.
18th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM). 2022 (Article)

Simulation of intra-saccular devices for pre-operative device size selection: method and validation for sizing and porosity simulation.
R. Muñoz, A. P. Narata, L. Obradó, H. Fernandez, I. Larrabide.
Computers in Biology and Medicine. (Article).

Assessing Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning Models for Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation in Fundus Images.
E. Moris, N. Dazeo, M. P. Albina de Rueda, F. Filizzola, N. Iannuzzo, D. Nejamkin, K. Wignall, M. Leguia, I. Larrabide, J. I. Orlando.
18th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM). 2022 (Article)

A Deep Learning Model for brain vessel segmentation in 3DRA with Arteriovenous Malformations.
C. Garcia, Y. Fang, J. Liu, A. P. Narata, J. I. Orlando, I. Larrabide.
18th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM). 2022 (Article)

ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-related Macular Degeneration from Fundus Images.
H. Fang, F. Li, H. Fu, X. Sun, X. Cao, F. Lin, J. Son, S. Kim, G. Quellec, S. Matta, S. M. Shankaranarayana, Y-T. Chen, C-h. Wang, N. A. Shah, C-Y. Lee, C-C. Hsu, H. Xie, B. Lei, U. Baid, S. Innani, K. Dang, W. Shi, R. Kamble, N. Singhal, C-W. Wang, S-C. Lo, J. I. Orlando, H. Bogunovic, X. Zhang, Y. Xu.
IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging. 2022 (Article)

Improving foveal avascular zone segmentation in fluorescein angiograms by leveraging manual vessel labels from public color fundus pictures
D. Hofer, U. Schmidt-Erfurth, J. I. Orlando, F. Goldbach, B. S. Gerendas, P. Seeböck.
Biomedical Optics Express. 2022 (Article)

Linking Function and Structure with ReSenseNet: Predicting Retinal Sensitivity from Optical Coherence Tomography using Deep Learning
P. Seeböck, WD. Vogl, SM. Waldstein, J. I. Orlando, M. Baratsits, T. Alten, M. Arikan, G. Mylonas, H. Bogunović, U. Schmidt-Erfurth.
Ophthalmology Retina. 2022 (Article)


DSM Generation with UAVs and OpenDroneMap toolkit: A parametric analysis
PR. Rinaldi, I. Larrabide.
XIX Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC). 2021 (Article)

Cerebral aneurysm occlusion at 12-month follow-up after Flow-Diverter treatment: statistical modelling for V&V with real-world data
AP- Narata, L. Obradó, RK Moyano, JM Macho, J. Blasco, A. López Rueda, L. San Roman, S. Remollo, C. Marinelli, R. Cepeda, H. Fernández, I. Larrabide.
Frontiers in Medical Technology Journal. 3:705003. 2021 (Article)

Supervised learning for sleep stage scoring using Random Forest: is a “simpler” model accurate enough on unseen individuals?
E. Moris, C. Forcato, and I. Larrabide.
Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI) 8, 693-696, 2021 (Article)

Intra-saccular device modeling for treatment planning of intracranial aneurysms: from morphology to hemodynamics.
N. Dazeo, R. Muñoz, A. P. Narata, H. Fernandez, and I. Larrabide.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2021 (Article)

Simultaneous assessment of coronary stenosis relevance with automated computed tomography angiography and intravascular ultrasound analyses and fractional flow reserve
PJ Blanco, C.A. Bulant, C.G. Bezerra, P.A. Lemos, and H.M García-García.
Coronary Artery Disease, 2021 (Article)

Coronary arterial geometry: A comprehensive comparison of two imaging modalities
Pablo J Blanco, Carlos A Bulant, Cristiano G Bezerra, Gonzalo D Maso Talou, Fabio A Pinton, Paulo GP Ziemer, Raúl A Feijóo, Héctor M García‐García, and Pedro A Lemos.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2021 (Article)

Combining Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing with Computational Fluid Dynamics to Better Understand LVAD Fluid Mechanics during Exercise
J Grinstein, PJ Blanco, CA Bulant, R Torii, CV Bourantas, PA Lemos, and H Garcia-Garcia.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2021 (Article)

Left Ventricular Assist Device Flow Pattern Analysis Using Computational Fluid Dynamics at the Time of Invasive Hemodynamic Ramp Study: Using Patient-Specific Data to Optimize the Ramp Study
J Grinstein, PJ Blanco, CA Bulant, R Torii, CV Bourantas, PA Lemos, and H Garcia-Garcia.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2021 (Article)

A simple coronary blood flow model to study the collateral flow index
Pablo J Blanco, Carlos A Bulant, Gonzalo D Ares, Pedro A Lemos, and Raul A Feijoo.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2021 (Article)


SketchZooms: Deep multi-view descriptors for matching line drawings
P Navarro, JI Orlando, C Delrieux, E Iarussi
Computer Graphics Forum, 2020 (Article).

A low-cost portable simulator of a domestic cat larynx for teaching endotracheal intubation
M. Clausse, P. Nejamkin, C. A. Bulant, A. Genaro, F. Landivar, M. J. Del Sole, and A. Clausse.
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2020 (Article).

Automated lumen segmentation using multi-frame convolutional neural networks in Intravascular Ultrasound datasets
P. G. P. Ziemer, C.A. Bulant, J.I. Orlando, G. D. Maso Talou, L. A. M. Álvarez, C. Guedes Bezerra, P. A. Lemos, H. M. García-García and P. J. Blanco.
European Heart Journal Digital Health, 2020 (Article).

Machine learning for filtering out false positive grey matter atrophies in single subject voxel based morphometry: a simulation based study
H. Külsgaard, J. I. Orlando, M. Bendersky, J. P. Princich, L. S. R. Manzanera, A. Vargas, S. Kochen and I. Larrabide.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2020 (Article).

High performance ultrasound simulation using Monte-Carlo simulation: a GPU ray-tracing implementation
T. Pérez Cambet, S. Vital, I Larrabide
16th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2020 (Article).

VBM sensitivity to localization and extent of mouse brain lesions: A simulation approach
D. Braggio, J. Barbeito-Andrés, P. Gonzalez, B. Hallgrímsson, I. Larrabide
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2020 (Article).

ID-Fit: Intra-saccular device adjustment for personalized cerebral aneurysm treatment
R. Muñoz, A. P. Narata, I. Larrabide
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2020), 2020 (Article).

AGE challenge: Angle Closure Glaucoma Evaluation in Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography
H. Fu, F. Li, X. Sun, X. Cao, J. Liao, J I. Orlando, X.Tao, Y. Li, S. Zhang, M. Tan, C. Yuan, C. Bian, R. Xie, J. Li, X. Li, J. Wang, L. Geng, P. Li, H. Hao, J. Liu, Y. Kong, Y. Ren, H. Bogunović, X. Zhang, Y. Xu for iChallenge-PACG study group.
Medical Image Analysis, 2020 (Article)

Stenting as porous media in anatomically accurate geometries. A comparison of models and spatial heterogeneity
N. Dazeo, J. Dottori, G. Boroni, A. P. Narata, I. Larrabide
Journal of Biomechanics, 2020 (Article).

Regional assessment of vascular morphology and hemodynamics: methodology and evaluation for abdominal aortic aneurysms after endovascular repair
Javier Dottori, Mariano Casciaro, Damian Craiem, Salma El-Batti, Elie Mousseaux, Jean-Marc Alsac, Ignacio Larrabide
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2020 (Article).

A clinically-aligned experimental approach for quantitative characterization of typical patient-specific cardiovascular models
A. P. Narata, F. Moura, F. Patat, A. Marzo, I. Larrabide, J.-M. Gregoire, C. Perrault, C. A. Sennoga, A. Bouakaz
AIP Advances, 2020 (Article)

Automated Quantification of Photoreceptor alteration in macular disease using Optical Coherence Tomography and Deep Learning
J. I. Orlando, B. S. Gerendas, S. Riedl, C. Grechenig, A. Breger, M. Ehler, S. M. Waldstein, H. Bogunović, U. Schmidt-Erfurth
Scientific Reports, 2020 (Article)

REFUGE Challenge: A Unified Framework for Evaluating Automated Methods for Glaucoma Assessment from Fundus Photographs
J. I. Orlando, H. Fu, J. Barbosa Breda, K. van Keer, D. R. Bathula, A. Diaz-Pinto, R. Fang, P-A. Heng, J. Kim, J. Lee, J. Lee, X. Li, P. Liu, S. Lu, B. Murugesan, V. Naranjo, S. S. R. Phaye, S. M. Shankaranarayana, A. Sikka, J. Son, A. van den Hengel, S. Wang, J. Wu, Z. Wu, G. Xu, Y. Xu, P. Yin, F. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Xu, H. Bogunović
Medical Image Analysis, 2020 (Article)

Role of distal cerebral vasculature in vessel constriction after aneurysm treatment with flow diverter stents
Ana Paula Narata, Fernando Moura, Ignacio Larrabide, René Chapot, Christophe Cognard, Anne-Christine Januel, Stéphane Velasco, Ayache Bouakaz, Frederic Patat, Alberto Marzo
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 2020 (Article)

Software-based simulation for preprocedural assessment of Tubridge flow diverter sizing: a validation study
Jia-nan Li, Laura Obradó, Ignacio Larrabide, Héctor Fernández, Nan Lv, Qiang Li, Peng-fei Yang, Qing-hai Huang, Yi Xu, Bo Hong, Jian-min Liu, Yi-bin Fang
Research Square, 2020 (Article)


The role of distal cerebral vasculature in vessel constriction after aneurysm treatment with flow-diverter stents
A. P. Narata, F. Moura, I. Larrabide, R. Chapot, C. Cognard, A.C. Januel, S. Velasco, A. Bouakaz, f. Patat, A. Marzo
J. NeuroIntervent., 2019 (Article)

A multiscale method for producing homogenized drag laws of a permeable medium by conflating experimental data with Lattice-Boltzmann simulations
A. Clausse, N. Silin, and G. Boroni
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019 (Article)

Improving realism in patient-specific abdominal Ultrasound simulation using CycleGANs
Santiago Vitale, José Ignacio Orlando, Emmanuel Iarussi, Ignacio Larrabide
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2019 (Article)

Automatic detection of morphological structures in Intravascular Ultrasound images with Convolutional Neural Network
E. Moris, L. Lo Vercio, I. Larrabide
International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, CARS 2019. Rennes, France. (Presentation)

Stenting As Heterogeneous Porous Media
N. Dazeo, J. Dottori, G. Boroni, I. Larrabide
ENIEF 2019. Asociación Argentinade Mecánica Computacional, Santa fe, Argentina. (Article)

Automatic segmentation of Intravascular Ultrasound images based on supervised classifications of arterial regions and morphological structures
Lucas Lo Vercio, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2019, (Article)

Improved biomechanical metrics of cerebral vasospasm identified via sensitivity analysis of a 1D cerebral circulation model
A. Melis, F. Moura, Ignacio Larrabide, K. Janot, R.H. Clayton, A.P. Narata, A. Marzo Journal of Biomechanics, 2019, (Article)

Non-invasive coronary CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve (FFR): A benchmark study comparing the diagnostic performance of four different computational methodologies
J. Carson, S. Pant, C. Roobottom, R. Alcock, Pablo Javier Blanco, Carlos Alberto Bulant, Y. V. Vassilevski, S. Simakov, T. Gamilov, R. Pryamonosov, F. Liang, X. Ge, Y. Liu, P. Nithiarasu.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2019 (Article)

TCT-329 Full Hemodynamic Characterization of Intracoronary Physiology: Merging Advanced Grayscale Intravascular Ultrasound With Fractional Flow Reserve
C. Bezerra, F. Pinton, B. Falcao, J. Marini, A. Kajita, Carlos Alberto Bulant, Pablo Javier Blanco, P. A. Lemos
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2019 (Article)

Drone Based DSM Reconstruction for Flood Simulations in Small Areas: A Pilot Study
Pablo Rinaldi, Ignacio Larrabide, Juan Pablo D’Amato World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019

Laryngo-CUBE: Diseño y proceso de fabricación de un simulador para intubación orotraqueal en gatos
P. Nejamkin, María Clausse, Carlos Alberto Bulant, A. Genaro, F. Landivar, Alejandro Clausse, M. J. del Sole
3er Congreso Internacional de la Asociacion de Anestesia y Analgesia Veterinaria de la República Argentina

Computational method to determine final disposition of a Woven Endobridge (WEB) device befire its placement
Romina Muñoz, Ignacio Larrabide
MACI 2019, Rio Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina.


Validation of an Open-Source Tool for Measuring Carotid Lumen Diameter and Intima–Media Thickness
Hugo Luis Manterola, Lucas Lo Vercio, Alejandro Díaz, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
Ultrasound in medicine and biology, 2018, (Article)

Carotid Intima Media Thickness Reference Intervals for a Healthy Argentinean Population Aged 11–81 Years
Alejandro Díaz, Daniel Bia, Yanina Zócalo, Hugo Manterola, Ignacio Larrabide, Lucas Lo Vercio, Mariana del Fresno, Edmundo Cabrera Fischer
International Journal of Hypertension, 2018 (Article)

Software based simulation for pre procedural assessment of LVIS stent sizing: A Validation study
K. Chaitanya Joshi, Ignacio Larrabide, A. Saied, N. Elsaid, H. Fernandez, D. K Lopes
Journal of Neurosurgery, 2018 (Article)

CFD and MRI studies of hemodynamic changes after flow-diverter implantation in a patient-specific model of cerebral artery
S. V. Frolov , S. V. Sindeev , J. S. Kirschke, P. Arnold, S. Prothmann, D. Liepsch, A. Balasso, A. Y. Potlov and Ignacio Larrabide.
Experiments in Fluids, 2018 (Article)

Real-World Variability in the Prediction of Intracranial Aneurysm WallShear Stress: The 2015 International Aneurysm CFD Challenge
K. Valen-Sendstad, A. W. Bergersen, Y. Shimogonya, L. Goubergrits, J. Bruening, J. Pallares, S. Cito, S. Piskin, K. Pekkan, A. J. Geers, Ignacio Larrabide, … , D. A. Steinman.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 2018 (Article)

Sistema para el estudio de la evolución geométrica de la aorta en tratamientos de disección tipo B con prótesis endovascular
Ramiro Diaz, Bruno Rudenick, Mariana del Fresno, Mariano Casciaro, Salma El-Batti, Jean Marc Alsac, Damian Craiem.
Mecánica Computacional, 2018 (Article)

Effects on abdominal aorta fluid dynamics following the implantation of grafts based on endovascular aneurysm sealing system
M. E. Casciaro, Javier Dottori, S. El-Batti, J.-M. Alsac, E. Mousseaux, Ignacio Larrabide and D. Craiem
Journal of Endovascular Surgery, 2018 (Article)

A comparative study of Porous Medium CFD Models for Flow Diverter stents: advantages and short-comings
Nicolás Dazeo, Javier Dottori, Gustavo Boroni, Ignacio Larrabide.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2018 (Article)

Hemodynamic Changes Caused by Multiple Stenting in Vertebral Artery Fusiform Aneurysms: A Patient-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Study
N. Lv, W. Cao, Ignacio Larrabide, C. Karmonik, D. Zhu, J. Liu, Q. Huang, and Y. Fang.
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2018 (Article)

Towards fast hemodynamic simulations in large-scale circulatory networks
L. A. Mansilla Alvarez, Pablo Javier Blanco, Carlos Alberto Bulant, R. A. Feijóo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018 (Article)

TCT-308 Comparison between fractional flow reserve (FFR) and Computational fractional flow reserve derived from three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound (FFR-IVUS), percentage of diameter stenosis by visual estimation and bi-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography
A. Kajita, H. García, C. Bezerra, F. Pinton, B. Falcão, J. Mariani, Carlos Alberto Bulant, G. D. Maso Talou, A. Filh, Pablo Javier Blanco, P. A. Lemos
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2018 (Article)

TCT-619 Comparison of one-dimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) models for the estimation of coronary fractional flow reserve through cardiovascular imaging
C. Bezerra, P. A. Lemos, F. Pinton, L. Müller, Carlos Alberto Bulant, G. D. Maso Talou, R. A. Feijóo, A. Filh, Pablo Javier Blanco
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2018 (Article)

An ensemble deep learning based approach for red lesion detection in fundus images
José Ignacio Orlando, Elena Prokofyeva, Mariana del Fresno, Matthew Blaschko
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2018 (Article)

Towards a glaucoma risk index based on simulated hemodynamics from fundus images
José Ignacio Orlando, João Barbosa Breda, Karel van Keer, Matthew B Blaschko, Pablo J Blanco, Carlos A Bulant
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2018), 2018 (Article)

Heterogeneous porous media simulation
N. Dazeo, J. Dottori, G. Boroni, I. Larrabide
MECOM 2018. Santa fe, Argentina (Article)

A study of single subject VBM and DARTEL on healthy subjects
Hernán Kulsgaard, Delfina Braggio, M. Bendersky, L. A. Ferrara, Ignacio Larrabide
14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2018

Fine tuning VBM for mouse brain analysis: model adjustment using atrophy simulation
Delfina Braggio, J. Barbeito-Andrés, P. Gonzalez, Ignacio Larrabide
14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2018

A robustness test of the Braided Device Foreshortening algorithm
R. Kale Moyano, H. Fernandez, J. M. Macho, J. Blasco, L. San Roman, A. P. Narata, Ignacio Larrabide 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2018 (Article)

Sistema para el estudio de la evolución geométrica de la aorta en tratamientos de disección tipo B con prótesis endovascular
Ramiro Diaz, Bruno Rudenick, Mariana del Fresno, Mariano Casciaro, Salma El-Batti, Jean Marc Alsac, Damian Craiem
Mecánica Computacional, 2018

Coronary flow estimation for the computational assessment of fractional flow reserve
Carlos Alberto Bulant, Pablo Javier Blanco, G. D. Maso Talou, Alejandro Clausse, Carlos Bezerra, P. A. Lemos, R. A. Feijóo
Mecánica Computacional, 2018 (Article)


A. P. Narata, J. Blasco, L. San Roman, J. M. Macho, H. Fernandez, R. Kale Moyano, R. Winzenrieth, Ignacio Larrabide
Early results in Flow Diverter sizing by computational simulation: quantification of size change and simulation error assessment
Operative Neurosurgery. 2017 (Article)

Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Characterization based on Fractal Features: Evaluation on a Publicly Available Data Set
José Ignacio Orlando, Karel van Keer, João Barbosa Breda, Hugo Luis Manterola, Matthew B. Blaschko, Alejandro Clausse
Medical Physics, 2017 (Article)

A Discriminatively Trained Fully Connected Conditional Random Field Model for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Fundus Images
José Ignacio Orlando, Elena Prokofyeva, Matthew Blaschko
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017 (Article)

Registration Methods for IVUS: Transversal and Longitudinal Transducer Motion Compensation
G. D. Maso Talou, P. J. Blanco, Ignacio Larrabide, C. Guedes Bezerra, P. A. Lemos, R. A. Feijóo. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017 (Article)

Wall shear stress at the initiation site of cerebral aneurysms
A.J. Geers, H.G. Morales, Ignacio Larrabide, C. Butakoff, P. Bijlenga, A.F. Frangi. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2017 (Article)

Retinal blood vessel segmentation in high resolution fundus photographs using automated feature parameter estimation
José Ignacio Orlando, Marcos Fracchia, Valeria del Río, Mariana del Fresno
13th International Conference on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2017), 2017 (Article)

Open-source software platform for medical image segmentation applications
Rafael Namías, Juan Pablo D’Amato, Mariana del Fresno
13th International Conference on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2017), 2017 (Article)

An open and extensible tool for manual segmentation of medical images in mobile devices
Lucas Lo Vercio, Cecilia Sachetti, Mariana del Fresno
XXI Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería (SABI 2017), 2017


Assessment of image features for vessel wall segmentation in Intravascular Ultrasound images
Lucas Lo Vercio, José Ignacio Orlando, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
International Journal for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2016 (Article)

Multi-object segmentation framework using deformable models for medical imaging analysis
Rafael Namías, Juan Pablo D’Amato, Mariana del Fresno, Marcelo Vénere, Nicolás Pirró, Marc-Emmanuel Bellemare
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2016 (Article)

Does the Arterial Flow Rate affect Flow Diverter Stent Performance?
H.G. Morales, O. Bonnefous, A. J. Geers, O. Brina, V. M. Pereira, L. Spelle, J. Moret and Ignacio Larrabide
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2016 (Article)

The Role of Hemodynamics in Intracranial Bifurcation Arteries after Aneurysm Treatment with Flow-Diverter Stents
A.P. Narata, F.S. de Moura, Ignacio Larrabide, C.M. Perrault, F. Patat, R. Bibi, S. Velasco, A.-C. Januel, C. Cognard, R. Chapot, A. Bouakaz, C.A. Sennoga and A. Marzo.
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2016 (Article)

CFD analysis of flow reduction induced by flow diverting stents in intracranial aneurysms: A patient-unspecific hemodynamics change perspective
R. Ouared, Ignacio Larrabide, O. Brina, P. Bouillot, G. Erceg, H. Yilmaz, K.-O. Lovblad, V. Mendes Pereira
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 2016 (Article)

Computation of the Change in Length of a Braided Device When Deployed in Realistic Vessel Models
H. Fernandez , J. M. Macho, J. Blasco, L. San Roman, W. Mailaender, L. Serra and Ignacio Larrabide
International Journal for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2016 (Article)

Change in aneurysmal flow pulsatility after flow diverter treatment
Ignacio Larrabide, A. J. Geers, H. Morales, P. Bijlenga, D. A. Rüfenacht
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2016 (Article)

Detection of morphological structures for vessel wall segmentation in IVUS using Random Forests
Lucas Lo Vercio, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017, (Article)

Low-cost phantoms for validating measurements in ultrasound medical images
Hugo Luis Manterola, Lucas Lo Vercio, Alejandro Diaz, Pamela Pardini, María Victoria Waks Serra, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)

Convolutional Neural Network Transfer for Automated Glaucoma Identification
José Ignacio Orlando, Elena Prokofyeva, Mariana del Fresno, Matthew B. Blaschko
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)

Ray-casting method to assess the quality of segmented surfaces from 3D images
Juan Pablo D’Amato, Mariana del Fresno, Cristian Garcia Bauza, Marcelo Vénere
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)

Comparison of real-time ultrasound simulation models using abdominal CT images
Pablo Rubi, Ezequiel Fernandez Vera, Juan Pablo D’Amato, Joaquín Larrabide, M. Calvo, Ignacio Larrabide. 12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)

Changes on abdominal aortic fluid dynamics after implantation of grafts based on endovascular aneurysm sealing system (EVAS)
M. E. Casciaro, Ignacio Larrabide, Javier Dottori, S. El-Batti, J.-M. Alsac and Damian Craiem
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)

Flow diverter stents simulation with CFD: porous media modelling
Nicolás Dazeo, Javier Dottori, Gustavo Boroni, Alejandro Clausse, Ignacio Larrabide
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)

Porosity distribution upon the surface of a deployed Flow Diverter: an experimental and simulation study
H. Fernandez, A. Curto, A. Ding, and Ignacio Larrabide
12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2016), 2017 (Article)


Perceptual Grouping by Tensor Voting: A Comparative Survey of Recent Approaches
Emmanuel Maggiori, Hugo Luis Manterola, Mariana del Fresno
IET Computer Vision, 2015, (Article)

Improving Cardiac Phase Extraction in IVUS Studies by Integration of Gating Methods
G. D. Maso Talou, Ignacio Larrabide, Pablo Javier Blanco, C. Guedes Bezerra, P. A. Lemos and R. A. Feijóo. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015 (Article)

An Analysis of Mechanical and Computational Properties for Noninvasive Vascular Elastography
Hugo Luis Manterola, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2015), 2015 (Article)

Efficient scatter model for simulation of Ultrasound images from Computed Tomography data
Juan Pablo D´Amato, Lucas Lo Vercio, Pablo Rubi, Ezequiel Fernandez Vera, Rosana Barbuzza, Mariana del Fresno, Ignacio Larrabide
11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2015) 2015 (Article)

Guidewire Artifact Tracking on IVUS
Lucas Lo Vercio, Javier Dottori, Ignacio Larrabide, José Luis Diez-Gil, Mariana del Fresno, Pablo Lotito
V Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI 2015), 2015

Segmentación múltiple de objetos en imágenes médicas basada en contornos activos
Rafael Namías, Juan Pablo D´Amato, Mariana del Fresno, Marcelo Vénere
V Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI 2015), 2015


Effect of aneurysm and ICA morphology on hemodynamics before and after flow diverter treatment
Ignacio Larrabide, A. J. Geers, H. G. Morales, M. L. Aguilar, D. A. Rüfenacht
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 2014 (Article)

Comments on: A Closed-Form Solution to Tensor Voting: Theory and Applications
Emmanuel Maggiori, Pablo Lotito, Hugo Luis Manterola, Mariana del Fresno
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2014 (Article)

Automatic Rectum Limit Detection by Anatomical Markers Correlation
Rafael Namías, Juan Pablo D’Amato, Mariana del Fresno, Marcelo Vénere
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2014 (Article)

Learning fully-connected CRFs for blood vessel segmentation in retinal images
José Ignacio Orlando, Matthew Blaschko
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2014), 2014 (Article)

Reducing artifacts impact on IVUS automatic segmentation via inpainting
Hugo Luis Manterola, Lucas Lo Vercio, Mariana del Fresno
Mecánica Computacional, 2014

Reviewing preprocessing and feature extraction techniques for retinal blood vessels segmentation in fundus images
José Ignacio Orlando, Mariana del Fresno
Mecánica Computacional, 2014 (Article)

Arabidopsis Roots Segmentation Based on Morphological Operations and CRFs
José Ignacio Orlando, Hugo Luis Manterola, Enzo Ferrante, Federico Ariel
Escuela y Workshop Argentino en Ciencias de las Imágenes (ECImag 2014), 2014 (Article)

Visualización de imágenes médicas de alta resolución mediante una aplicación zero footprint
Emanuel Arguiñarena, Mariana del Fresno, José Massa, Pedro Escobar, Martín Santiago
2° Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática / Sistemas de Información (CoNAIISI 2014), 2014

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